Pathophysiology of Respiratory System

A written essay on pathophysiology of respiration system is meant to educate the public about medical complications that can arise due to respiration system complications. Usually the respiration system channel has a moist environment hence making it a place that bacteria and other disease causing organisms can thrive best. A medical essay on Pathophysiology of Respiratory System should strive to educate the audience on some of the common illnesses of the respiration system, and how they can be controlled.
Since most infections of the respiration system are due to viral or bacterial infection, when developing the topic for the essay on Pathophysiology of Respiratory System you should clearly state whether you will be addressing viral or bacterial infections. The medicine essay on respiration should let the audience understand how the air breathed through the respiration system carries harmful micro organisms.
The writer should then narrow the essay on Pathophysiology of Respiratory System to a specific problem and provide recommendations on how it can be prevented. Other ideas that can be contained in an essay on Pathophysiology of Respiratory System include explaining how inhaling certain chemicals can result in breathing problems. An essay on Pathophysiology of Respiratory System can also explain respiration problems such as blockage of pulmonary arteries and the danger it poses to the patients. Using this opportunity the writer of the medicine essay can educate the targeted audience on the necessity of adopting a healthy lifestyle. A good essay on Pathophysiology of Respiratory System should have a strong conclusion, and give recommendations on some of the issues which if observed by the reader can improve the Pathophysiology of Respiratory System.

Pathophysiology of Respiratory System essay example

The respiratory system is vital part of the human body. It can be said to be the core engine of the whole body without which the body would certainly fail to function. This is because the respiratory system is responsible for the circulation of oxygen in the human body. Without oxygen, the human body would fail in a matter of minutes. This just shows how important the respiratory system is to the body. (Haton, 2009)
Pathophysiology of respiratory system shows how the respiratory system is structured showing the function of each organ along this system. It is important to know that body cells which require energy to function could all fail due to lack of oxygen as aerobic respiration from which these cells derive their energy from requires oxygen. The respiratory system beginning with the nasal cavity is responsible for taking in air where oxygen is absorbed while carbon dioxide which is toxic to the body cells is exhaled.
The inhaled air passes through the nasal cavity where large particles are trapped by the hair in the nasal cavity on to the lungs through the glottis. This air is also warmed and made humid in the nasal cavity. Air travels through the trachea and gets to the lungs through an opening known as the hilus. The lungs are designed in such a way that they take this air absorbing oxygen and realizing carbon dioxide. (West & John2007)
The respiratory system also has a cage like structure otherwise known as the ribs and the diaphragm which contains intercostal muscles that protect the lungs. The ribs and the diaphragm expand and collapse appropriately during inhalation and exhalation. The lungs also have got perforations known as the air sacks which expand and collapse appropriately. Oxygenated blood from the lungs is then released to the heart via a vein.